Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The issue of education starts at the top. It is a problem that needs to seen from a perspective further away. Colleges are setting admissions standards without really understanding the damage they’re causing at the secondary level. Some of their reasoning can be justified but taken with a grain of salt. Colleges believe that Algebra II is the gateway to getting their students to obtain high paying jobs. They also believe that having students know Algebra II that it will fulfill a shortage of people who have technical skills.

I don’t have the hands on experience of the classroom, but from what I’ve gathered from my cousins in high school as well as listening to our discussions in class. It seems as though there is just way too much asked of students and teachers. From trying to teach the curriculum to making sure students pass a standardized test, there is not enough time and energy to properly to complete the tasks. It seems as though there is call for the need to simplify things or stream line.

Our students are just getting diluted education as teachers and schools try to produce “college ready” students. Rather than cram everything, schools should make sure our students have a solid foundation of mathematics so they can build off that. Not everyone will need Algebra II nor will they use it in their life time. Quite frankly, I find it laughable that colleges think that they have the right to put these required courses in place. I’m sure a lot of people will agree, college did not make them any smarter than they were when they entered. A lot of the education learned is done while on the job. Colleges should be a shamed of themselves.

On a random side topic, I’ve noticed our children have become lazier or spoiled, whichever side you want to look at it. The issue is that the kids today have reaped the benefits of what the past decade (before the recession) has brought to them and their families. I’m not completely blaming the children on this, because they only learn from their environment, but that needs to be looked at as our society has definitely changed. Education needs to change because right now its like fitting a square peg in a round hole. Don't blame the teachers!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Post Presentation

Happy April!
After going through each curriculum, it was very educational to see the strengths and weakness of each one. I found that it may not be feasible to always get a school to use a curriculum, but taking bits and pieces from each one can come in handy when trying to teach math. I don't teach yet, but to know that there are different methods, and techniques for mathematics helps me to know that there are always alternative ways to teach math and to get students engaged and more proactive towards learning.