Saturday, January 24, 2009

First post!

Reasons for being a teacher...

My name is Jin Lee. I have no real teaching experience. The extent of my know how of schooling and education is that I have a few friends that are teachers, who share their frustrations with students, parents and administration, but that's as far as it goes. I started off as a lab technician for 2 years and then an engineering consultant for 2 more, but found it to be really unsatisfying. Something about standing around in a lab or staring at a screen was just not doing it for me.

Teaching was sort of my last choice. I applied to other schools for physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician's assistant, and a few others. I chose to be a teacher because prior to attending undergrad, I debated between engineering and teaching, so with the opportunity to go back to school, my curiosity has led me to teaching. I feel that I am good at explaining math to others and those I have tutored showed great signs of improvement. I came to Montclair St. for my MAT to further those skills and learn other strategies to teach to a classroom effectively and efficiently. All the dominoes seemed to fall in place to become a teacher, and here I am! Three semesters away from actually teaching!

As naive as it sounds, I feel as though teaching gives me the opportunity to be a great influence on our future, not only in math, but also in life.

The question remains... Did I make the right choice? Who knows, but I hope I'm right.